About Us

Established in 2016, KLR Engineering Pte Ltd  professionalair-conditioninginstallation and service provider, providing commercial, industrial and home based installation and comprehensive air-conditioning  servicing  island wide in Singapore..

For a tropical climate like Singapore, air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation (ACMV)system is required to operate throughout the year to maintain thermal comfort inside thebuildings. KLR will help to install ACMV system consumes about 60% of the total energy consumption of a typicalcommercial building. Energy efficient design and optimisation of the ACMV systemcontribute significantly in reducing energy consumption and achieving cost savings will be provided by KLR Engineering Pte Ltd.

KLR can able to designing and operating the central air-conditioning systems in an energy efficient mannerwhile maintaining the recommended Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) remains a challenge for designengineers and operators. More industrial facility and building owners and professionals areinterested to understand the energy efficient design and optimisation opportunities for theACMV systems to trim their overall operating costs..

Our service pricing and rates are also affordable and competitive. This is because we believe everyone should be comfortable living in their homes and working in their workspaces. Please connect with us thru whatsapp @ +65-8300059

Electricity is the main form of energy used to operate the ACMV systems. Non-renewablefossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal are generally used to generate the electricity. Thesefossil fuels during combustion emit carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming.Since the ACMV systems of commercial buildings and industrial plants consume asignificant amount of electrical energy, government agencies in many countries includingSingapore’s National Environment Agency (NEA) and Building and Construction Authority(BCA) are also promoting proper energy management of the ACMV systems as a means totrim carbon dioxide emissions.

Because good air conditioning provides general comfort and helps those suffering from allergies, asthma, and other serious health issues, it’s our goal to keep delivering unmatched air-conditioning  installation and air-conditioningrepair services to our customers in Singapore.

Our team members come to work every day, working together to achieve one common goal: satisfying the needs of every customer. But we are so good at what we do that we have a track record of excellent services and a large database of satisfied customers @ KLR Engineering Pte Ltd.

KLR leading service provider in We Can Help Aircon Service !


KLR Engineering Pte Ltd professional air-conditioning installation and service provider, providing commercial, industrial and home based installation and comprehensive air-conditioning servicing island wide in Singapore.

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KLR service for all makes and models of air conditioning systems. A system that is regularly maintained improves air quality, minimizes power consumption .

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BLK – 5 Marsiling Industrial Estate Road 3,#01-49, Singapore 739251

Phone No: +65 87884645

EMAIL: [email protected]